sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007

Greetings from Puebla!

Sorry for not writing in a while, been a bit busy. For those who do not know, I´m currently working as a volunteer in Puebla, and will stay here for a month or so. I started the day before yesterday, and so far it has been more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

Im working at a house for kids whose parents have mistreated them, and they get to stay in this house run by Fransiscan monks until their parents get things settled. There are aroudn 15 boys in the house, three brothers, and now me :) I teach them some English, read with them, and just play.

Here is the website for the place for you to check out.

Just to let you know, that so far so good, and i´ll write more about my perceptions and experiences another day.

Take care!

p.s. Just want to send greetings to my lovely family and relatives! Seeing these kids with little family relations, makes me appreciate you even more :)

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Heippa Niina!

Odottelen innokkaana kuulumisia miten se vapaaehtoistyö lähtee käyntiin. Vaikken enää siellä olekaan, niin seuraan puuhiasi tarkkaavaisesti :)

Anulka dijo...

Hi Niina!
So good to see you are doing great there!
Fingers crossed for everything else to go smoothly :)

big kiss and hug from Poland

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Niina,

It is very nice to read your news from Puebla and Chamula.

